I want to roll my eyes right now but the doctor said if I keep doing it, my ocular muscles might spasm and eject my eyeballs. Hey, nerds! Who's got two thumbs, speaks limited French, and hasn't cried once today? This moi. If I have learned anything from my Sims family: When a child doesn’t see his father enough he starts to jump up and down, then his mood level will drop until he pees himself. I'd like you all to meet Tom. Tom Selleck. He's my moustache. You know I can’t wear green, Jenna! The Clinique lady says I have witch undertones.
Boy! We as a group, might not smell great. Jack Donaghy is gonna kill me and then he's gonna kill you and then he's gonna fold us up in a pizza and eat us. We have a show tonight. I've never missed a show. Not even the time I had that virus they kept saying only raccoons get. Don't push it Liz, let it happen. There's gonna be a Mama Mia! I really don't think it's fair for me to be on a jury since I'm a hologram.
There was some confusion and I ended up punching the real Levar Burton. Well, that would only be a problem if I had any flaws. I was going to take this class called Cooking for One, but the teacher killed himself. Hey, that was a lady with a plan. Diapers, Mace, Houston to Orlando in nine hours - blam-o! I want to go to there.
Who hasn't made mistakes? I once french kissed a dog at a party to try to impress what turned out to be a very tall 12 year old. Nope. Hipster nonsense, I'm out. I'm going to go get a bus to White Haven now, and I should be home just in time for Aunt Linda to try to prove that she's sober by holding someone's baby while cooking. My work self is suffocating my life-me. My mom used to send me articles about how older virgins are considered good luck in Mexico.
I am a freelancer, which is pretty much a modern day cowboy. I’m 37, please don’t make me go to Brooklyn. All God’s children are terrible. In my experience, 'let's think about it' usually ends up as me watching Solid Gold in my basement on prom night. We’re all getting hot dogs! What, do you think there's two lines and we're all in this line and you're the only genius that got in the other line?